"I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by…”
Habakkuk 3:2 (NLT)
We exist to foster a passion and environment that is focused on helping others connect to God through corporate worship, making room for the Holy Spirit to move and producing an atmosphere where the sole purpose is giving praise and glory to God alone. We believe that genuine worship is accompanied by liberty and a freedom that only the Spirit of God can bring. God responds to those who worship in spirit and in truth with the manifestation of His presence and power. Worship is both a corporate act and a personal devotion.
Psalms: 86:9-12 “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you Lord, they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds you alone our God. Teach Me Your Way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. I will praise you Lord my God with all my heart and will glorify your name forever.”
We exist to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19) in the power of the Holy Spirit, reaching the unsaved with the gospel and making followers of Christ. We believe that true and genuine evangelism is relational and lived out in our daily lives through compassion, love, and acts of kindness towards others. We believe being a Missional Church is both a personal and corporate endeavor. Along with personal evangelism, Resurgent Church has made the support of World Missions one of its highest priorities. Resurgent Church strives to be a local church with global impact
We seek to nurture the individual, couple, and family into a healthy, mature, and fruitful walk with Christ. We desire to see every individual grow in God’s word and apply it to their daily lives. Once the individual becomes a disciple of Christ, they win others to Christ and make disciples.
We seek to advance the Kingdom of God through service and giving. By volunteering our time, gifts, and talents, we radically impact our local church, community, and world for Christ. Every individual has a purpose and a call to serve.
We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit for every believer, given to empower the church for effective evangelism, and in the operation of spiritual gifts for the edifying of the corporate body and individual. We strive to create an atmosphere where people can worship God freely and encounter His divine presence.
We exist to love all people without partiality, to create a place of community where fellowship is commonplace, and where every individual can find purpose and a sense of belonging. At Resurgent Church, we seek to be a church where many diverse individuals come together as one.
Candace joined our team in August of 2021 to serve as our Worship Pastor. She has been married to her husband Jon for over 13 years, and they have 5 children together. Candace has been involved in Worship and Children’s Music ministry for nearly 20 years. She is a recent graduate of Pillar College with a degree in Psychology. Candace has a passion and heart to lead others into the presence of the Lord through Worship.
Cheryl has a twenty year career in corporate accounting roles culminating in serving as Chief Financial Officer of an entertainment company. Cheryl has focused the last eleven years on serving non-profit organizations including churches, charitable and educational clients, using the talent God gave her to serve the Lord’s kingdom.
Cheryl grew up in Missouri and has lived all over the world including London and South America but she is a Jersey Girl at heart.
John is a native of Portland, Oregon. John relocated to New Jersey in 1984. He graduated from Bound Brook High School in 1991. John enlisted in the United States Air Force after graduation where he served as a medic in a Labor and Delivery Suite and as Health Promotions Director. John left the USAF in 1997.
John was saved in Oklahoma in 1999. He left Oklahoma as a single father of Michael Fuson and returned to New Jersey in June of 1999 to go to school.
John began attending Resurgent Church in Far Hills, NJ upon his return. While serving in Children’s Ministry at the church, he met his wife, Teresa. John and Teresa were married in 2003 and have three children together: George, Will, and Victor. John is currently the Facilities Manager at Resurgent Church along with operating his own construction business which he founded in 2005.
Gabrielle is a native New Jerseyan. She has been a part of our various ministries since 2008. In December of 2023, Gabrielle joined Resurgent’s leadership team as our Surge Kids Pastor. She believes if we can cause a positive impact through the teaching of God’s Word, that it can make an eternal difference in the life of a child.